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Haryana Power Utilities Portal
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आवेदन भरने से पहले , सभी निर्देशों को ध्यान पूर्वक पढें
Read Instructions carefully before filling application form.
All the candidates who are applying are advised to go through the website regularly to keep them aware of the latest position.
No individual intimation regarding any notice / information shall be given and all the notices shall be placed on the website or in the newspaper, and as such no claim in this regard for giving individual intimation by the Haryana Power Utilities (HPUs) shall be entertained at any stage by the HPUs.
The applicant should ensure that he specifies about any criminal case pending against him on the date of filing of application and if any criminal case is filed after the submission of application, then he should disclose these facts at the time of scrutiny of documents. Such candidate may be refused appointment in view of the pending criminal case.
The candidates are advised to upload the latest photograph which bears the name & date and should avoid uploading the old photograph on the application forms as it is ultimately used for recognition purposes, and if the candidate does not match with the photograph uploaded by him, his candidature may be cancelled.
Candidates are advised to fill up the forms on their own rather than relying upon the data entry operator of the cyber café and if they are unable to do so, then they must ensure that the form is filled by the cyber café person before the candidate and also before uploading the form for submission, the candidate is advised to take the final printout and check all the particulars and only then upload the forms.
The particulars, photograph and signatures given by the candidate at different stages of recruitment process are to be matched. Thus, candidates should ensure that they at all stages of recruitment provide correct data and if at any stage there is mismatch, no appointment shall be given treating the case as that of impersonation.
The Candidate should ensure that he fills up the application form correctly and if he is getting the application form filled through cyber café then he should ensure that the person entering the data has correctly inserted the description against all the columns thoroughly and he must take out the printed copy of the form. He should go check the form which has been filled up. If he finds the particulars correct then, he should give undertaking in the enclosed Performa under his signature certifying that he has gone through/ checked the form and found the particulars given therein as correct and hence he has uploaded the form on the website of the HPUs. If an application is not properly filled up by the candidate himself or by the cyber café personal who is submitting the form on behalf of the candidate and no application shall be of the responsibility of the candidate and No application of correction of data shall be accepted by the HPUs at any stage.
Candidates can apply after registering himself by clicking on 'Register' link through Haryana Power Utilities, websites i.e.
. The candidate should enter all details correctly while filling the Online Form.
After registering online, your Login Id will be generated. You can select your own Password.
Take print out of the Login Id and Password screen for future reference of your application status and for Reprinting of your online filled application form.
After successful filling up of complete application candidates should take two printout of application form and Fee Payment Challan/ Receipt. Go through the particulars filled up by him and thereafter upload the undertaking in prescribed Performa certifying that he has gone through all the particulars, and found correct and there is no mistake in the particulars being uploaded and I fully understand that no application for correction of data shall be entertained.
HPUs may use the candidate's information for communication (SMS and Email) purpose.
Your application shall be considered for further recruitment process only if undertaking has been submitted and after requisite fees has been paid. Applications for which fees is not paid shall not be considered for further process. Undertaking should be uploaded with same registration number and login.
If any ambiguity is found in Hindi Font of online application forms, the English Version will prevail.
I do hereby declare that all the statements made in the application form are true, complete and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief, I understand that in the event of my particulars or information given in the application is found to be False/Incorrect/Suppressed, my candidature is liable to be rejected or cancelled. In the event of any false statement or discrepancy in the particular being detected after my appointment, my services are liable to be terminated without serving any notice to me.
I have read and understood the instructions mentioned above I have also gone through the particulars as mentioned in the form filled up by me/on my behalf and found the same correct and in accordance with documents/my certificate issued by Board/College/University and all the particulars are correct as per record. I fully understand that no application for correction of particulars shall be entertained by the HPUs in this regard. I give my acceptance for uploading the form after giving through the particulars and I agree to abide by the same.